Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LuCy LoVeS......... NeW YeAr & NeW BeGiNiNgs........

Hello lovelies...........

Finally the New Year is upon us and I feel ready and excited. I know this feeling normally wears off by the end of Jan but for now I’m enjoying it. I have so much I want to do this year, and I’m hoping I can accomplish all that  I have set before me, I’m sure going to try!

One of my main objectives is to blog waaaay more, I love this lil realm we all live in and I love to write to the few that are reading. I love the friendships I’ve made and most of all I love being part of something. I want I Love Lucy to be more personal and in depth, I want it to be a little part of my heart. 

Another objective for the year is to focus on my health and well being, if you have been reading this blog for some time you will know that Mars and I have some pretty tough decisions to make and I think this year is the time to tackle them head on. I would love to holiday more this year and make time for my family instead of working my life away, but on the same token I am going to work hard to see more success in my business and my day job. I want this to be a big year,as I get older I notice that with each year that passes I want to make each moment count more than I ever have before. 

As part of my blogging aspirations I would like to kick off my first Blog post by introducing you to two very special ladies and two incredibly special blogs.....

Meet Megan, the creator of China Doll Illustrations and the writer of the China Doll Blog. I had the pleasure of meeting Megan many years ago through a mutual friend and have since started reading her incredible blog, China Doll is filled with Megan's amazing illustrations and chronicles her new found life in Hong Kong. A gorgeous read all round and definitely someone to watch, not to mention her cute factor is off the charts, what’s not to love?

Check out Megan’s Blog....../http://chinadollillustrations.blogspot.com/

Meet Asbo, A talented young photographer and writer of nineteen sparrows. Nineteen sparrows is the kind of blog that makes you want to run out and buy a professional camera, it leaves me saying “I wanna be like Asbo when I grow up". What A talent, I love this blog and how raw it is, the pictures are so natural, Lucky for me, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Asbo and she is just as amazing in person as she is in her blog.

Check her out here.......http://nineteensparrows.blogspot.com/

I hope to feature more of you soon, check out these two and let me know what you think, I wish you all well as we transition from the old to the new, may you prosper in all aspects and stick to all your new year’s resolutions!

With All my love..........


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